Анна Дей
Дельфин Красивый
Владимир Водопьянов


40 Obolonsky Avenue, Kyiv

About the place

Park Muromets is a space between the left and right banks of the Dnieper, including the channels of its tributaries Desenki and Desna, even in Soviet times was adapted to a recreation area.

Park Muromets (formerly the Park of Friendship of Peoples) has long been one of the most popular holiday destinations for those who prefer to spend time outdoors. Here you can ride a bike, wakeboard, kayak, jump on a trampoline, buy in vats, participate in the rally. Regularly on the territory of the park dog shows are held.

In the park there is a parking lot and a medical center.

It is divided into several zones, among which:

  • Memorial (a round parquet garden with 15 sectors);
  • children's;
  • water sports (X Park);
  • beaches.

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Past events

Next to Park Muromets

Sport Club

Wind tunnel Ulet.Pro

34 m. X-Park, Muromets Park, Kiev

(044) 221-41-51

Sport Club

Boat rental and surfing SUP kyivKayaks

45 m. Park Druzby Narodiv, Xpark, Desenka, Kyiv

(050) 411-98-28

Sport Club

Airsoft in X-PARK

47 m. Park of Friendship of Peoples, Xpark 19, Kiev

(063) 286-01-82

Sport Club


59 m. Muromets Park, Northern Bridge, Kyiv

(073) 180-50-50

Sport Club

Moto-school "Pro-biker" in X-PARK

125 m. Park Muromets

(068) 875-40-03


Car cinema ZadniyRяd

136 m. Muromets X-Park Park

(050) 142-50-89

Amusement park

Pump track

162 m. Druzhbi Narodiv park, Kyiv

(063) 136-25-85



168 m. Muromets Park, Kyiv

(066) 263-47-13

Sport Club

Jumping Hall

168 m. Park Muromets, Kiev

(067) 917-23-66

Rope park

Slackline Zone

168 m. Park Druzhby Narodiv

(093) 974-56-04