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Add to calendarI’m going on tour with my new solo show. After testing part of the material in the USA and Canada, I’ll pick the best jokes from there and present new attempts at a comedic interpretation of today’s reality.
Honestly, I’m not sure if anyone actually reads concert descriptions. Does anyone really decide to go based on what’s written here? What if I give you a description of a mallard? It’s a species of bird from the duck family (Anatidae) in the order Anseriformes. Commonly known as the wild duck. The male’s body length is about 62 cm, and the female’s is about 57 cm, with a weight of up to 1–1.5 kg (in autumn, before migration, their weight can reach up to 2 kg). The male’s head and neck are green, the chest is brownish, the back and belly are gray with fine crosswise spots.
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Add to calendarIzdrik Winter chamber readings
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