
37, проспект Перемоги, Київ, Украина, 03056

About the place

The Ukrainian Institute of Information Technologies in Education (UIITO) was established in November 2004 by the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine for the purpose of effective implementation of information and communication technologies (ICT) in education taking into account the positive experience of activities and based on the Ukrainian Center for Distance Education of NTUU "KPI"

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Next to The Ukrainian Institute of Information Technologies in Education


White Pouring KPI

86 m. Victory Avenue, 28A, Kyiv, KPI

(068) 998-80-80


The Scientific and Technical Library

116 m. Peremogy ave, 37, Kyiv

(044) 236-30-72

Concert Hall

The KPI House of Culture

124 m. 37, Peremohy Avenue, Kyiv

(044) 454-92-03


Institute of Physics and Technology of NTUU “KPI”

237 m. просп. Перемоги, 37, корпус 1, поверх 3, кім. 308-1, Пешеходная дорожка / велодорожка, Київ, Украина, 02000

(044) 236-70-98


Elena Teliga Memorial

238 m. Kyiv, Ukraine, 02000

Cultural Center

Ukrainian-Japanese KPI Center named after Igor Sikorsky

243 m. 37 Victory ave

(044) 204-81-66


Pam'yatnyk Shari

250 m. Politekhnichna St, 37, Kyiv, Ukraine, 02000


KP State Polytechnic Museum

254 m. 37/6 Peremohy avenue, Kyiv

(044) 204-86-40


Monument to Dmitry Mendeleyev

266 m. проспект Перемоги, 37К4, Київ, Украина, 02000