
проспект Перемоги, 37К4, Київ, Украина, 02000

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About the place

Dmitry Mendeleev (1834-1907) - chemist, professor, corresponding member of the Imperial St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences, full member of the Berlin, Paris, Rome and other academies, honorary member of the Kiev, Moscow, Odessa, Kharkov and a number of foreign universities, the Royal London and many domestic and foreign societies. From 1892 until the end of his life he headed the Main Chamber of Weights and Measures of the Russian Empire, the founder of the Russian Chemical Society (1868).

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Next to Monument to Dmitry Mendeleyev

Concert Hall

The KPI House of Culture

143 m. 37, Peremohy Avenue, Kyiv

(044) 454-92-03


The Scientific and Technical Library

149 m. Peremogy ave, 37, Kyiv

(044) 236-30-72


White Pouring KPI

190 m. Victory Avenue, 28A, Kyiv, KPI

(068) 998-80-80


Institute of Publishing and Printing

213 m. 1/37 Academician Yangel Street, Kyiv

(044) 204-84-25


Park Kyiv Polytechnic Institute

254 m. Peremohy Avenue, Kyiv


The Ukrainian Institute of Information Technologies in Education

266 m. 37, проспект Перемоги, Київ, Украина, 03056

(044) 406-81-07


ProEnglish Theatre 1

283 m. 3 Smolenska St, Kyiv

(098) 709-36-68


Institute of Physics and Technology of NTUU “KPI”

303 m. просп. Перемоги, 37, корпус 1, поверх 3, кім. 308-1, Пешеходная дорожка / велодорожка, Київ, Украина, 02000

(044) 236-70-98


ProEnglish Drama School

326 m. 5, Smolenska vulytsia,

(098) 709-36-68