Restoran «Odessa» — kontseptual'noye zavedeniye, umestivsheye v stil'nom inter'yere 30 kilometrov kanata i stado morskikh barashkov, a v unikal'nom menyu – gastronomicheskiye avtorskiye blyuda i vnushitel'nuyu kokteyl'nuyu kartu. Yedva uspev otkryt'sya, restoran popal na stranitsy londonskogo “Wall paper”, otsenivshego po dostoinstvu original'nyy dizayn inter'yera. Ne udivitel'no, ved' kazhdaya detal' produmana tak, chtoby udivlyat' gostey. Na odesskuyu tematiku zdes' lish' logkiy namok, osnovnoye – novatorstvo, unikal'nost', atmosfera. Na kukhne «pravit» odin iz luchshikh shef-povarov Ukrainy, imenityy Yuriy Priyemskiy. Kak utochnyayet sam Yuriy, k traditsionnoy odesskoy kukhne menyu restorana imeyet kosvennoye otnosheniye. Vse blyuda – avtorskiye i gastronomicheskiye, sozdannyye po printsipu interesnykh i slozhnykh sochetaniy ingrediyentov. Kazhdyy mesyats menyu obnovlyayetsya, chtoby gosti mogli nasladit'sya sezonnymi produktami, kotoryye opyat' zhe prepodnosyatsya nestandartno. Kreativnyye podachi – konok restorana. Poetomu ne udivlyaytes', yesli Vashe blyudo budet prepodneseno v dymu iz sukhogo l'da ili prigotovleno pryamo pri Vas! Kukhnya restorana «Odessa» chastichno otkrytogo tipa. Mnogiye myasnyye i rybnyye blyuda v Odessa gotovyat v pechakh Big Green Egg — v nikh produkty sokhranyayut neveroyatnuyu sochnost' i priobretayut appetitnyy dymnyy aromat. V zavedenii takzhe gotovyat blyuda po tekhnologii Sous Vide: myaso ili rybu v vakuumnoy upakovke tomyat v spetsial'noy pechi pri temperature 50–62 °C, chto obespechivayet potryasayushchuyu sochnost'. Ne meneye intriguyushchey vyglyadit kokteyl'naya-karta. Kokteyli luchshikh barov mira, ovoshchnyye limonady i drugiye unikal'nyye napitki dopolnyayut blyuda iz menyu, pogruzhaya gostey v tonkosti «kul'tury pit'». V vykhodnyye v restorane tsarit semeynaya idilliya: dlya detey oformlena komfortnaya zona s sovremennymi gadzhetami i igrami, a professional'nyye animatory ustraivayut dlya malen'kikh gostey restorana nastoyashchiye prazdniki. V eto vremya roditeli imeyut vozmozhnost' spokoyno i netoroplivo nasladit'sya yedoy i obshcheniyem s druz'yami. Dlya kamernoy atmosfery vo vremya lichnykh ili korporativnykh prazdnikov v restorane «Odessa» predusmotren banketnyy zal. On nazyvayetsya «kaminnyy». V samom yego tsentre razmeshchen sovremennyy dizaynerskiy kamin, yavlyayushchiysya bezuslovnym ukrasheniyem inter'yera. V banketnom zale steny obity tekstilem, na kotorom izobrazhena karta staroy Odessy. Vmestimost' zala – 40 posadochnykh mest. V teplyy period v restorane rabotayet terrasa na 50 posadochnykh mest. Na yeyo territorii rabotayet kal'yan-bar. «Odessa» — restoran, kotoryy blagodarya svoyey osobennoy atmosfere, nestandartnym podacham, original'nosti v detalyakh i vkusovykh sochetaniyakh blyud, stal obyazatel'nym mestom dlya poseshcheniya. Zdes' mozhno vstretit', kak zvozd shou-biznesa i politikov, tak i predstaviteley reklamnykh agentstv ili ofisnykh sotrudnikov, bol'shiye sem'i i molodyye parochki, gurmanov i tekh, dlya kogo vykhod v restoran – sobytiye. Ikh vsekh ob"yedinyayet «iskusstvo yest'», kotoroye vykhodit za ramki prostogo upotrebleniya pishchi.
Restaurant Odessa is a conceptual institution that fits 30 kilometers of rope and a flock of lamb in a stylish interior, and unique gastronomic dishes and an impressive cocktail menu are on the unique menu.
Having barely managed to open, the restaurant hit the pages of the London “Wall paper”, which appreciated the original interior design. Not surprising, because every detail is thought out so as to surprise guests. There is only a slight hint of Odessa themes, the main one is innovation, uniqueness, atmosphere.
In the kitchen, one of the best chefs of Ukraine, the famous Yuri Priemsky, “rules”. As Yuri himself clarifies, the restaurant’s menu has an indirect relation to traditional Odessa cuisine. All dishes are original and gastronomic, created on the principle of interesting and complex combinations of ingredients. Every month the menu is updated so that guests can enjoy seasonal products, which are again presented non-standard. Creative feeds are the highlight of the restaurant. Therefore, do not be surprised if your dish is presented in smoke from dry ice or cooked right with you! The cuisine of the restaurant Odessa is partially open. Many meat and fish dishes in Odessa are cooked in Big Green Egg ovens - in them products retain incredible juiciness and acquire a delicious smoky aroma. The institution also prepares dishes using the Sous Vide technology: they melt fish or vacuum-packed fish in a special oven at a temperature of 50–62 ° C, which provides amazing juiciness. No less intriguing is the cocktail card. Cocktails of the best bars in the world, vegetable lemonades and other unique drinks complement the dishes from the menu, immersing guests in the subtleties of the "culture of drinking."
On weekends, the restaurant has a family idyll: a comfortable area with modern gadgets and games is designed for children, and professional animators arrange real holidays for young guests of the restaurant. At this time, parents have the opportunity to calmly and leisurely enjoy food and chat with friends.
For chamber atmosphere during personal or corporate holidays in the restaurant "Odessa" there is a banquet hall. It is called a mantelpiece. In its very center there is a modern designer fireplace, which is an unconditional decoration of the interior. In the banquet hall the walls are upholstered with textiles, which depicts a map of old Odessa. The capacity of the hall is 40 seats.
During warmer months, the restaurant has a terrace with 50 seats. On its territory there is a hookah bar.
Odessa is a restaurant, which, due to its special atmosphere, non-standard serving, originality in details and taste combinations of dishes, has become a must-see place. Here you can meet both stars of show business and politicians, as well as representatives of advertising agencies or office employees, large families and young couples, gourmets and those for whom going to the restaurant is an event. They are all united by the “art is,” which goes beyond the mere consumption of food.