Of particular interest, of course, are the records with the records of the voices of politicians - the speeches and speeches of Khrushchev, Brezhnev, Kalinin. Gramophones and phonographs in the museum work, you can immediately listen to something. And in addition to rare records, the collection of the museum includes unique posters 1904-1927, the most complete medical encyclopaedia, musical instruments of the pre-revolutionary period, an extensive music library. There is even the first music book, which was printed in Ukraine.
22 m. 50, Khreshchatyk Street, Kyiv
(067) 539-24-05
27 m. 46 Khreshchatyk St, Kyiv
(044) 337-97-72
27 m. 46а, Khreschatyk Street, Kyiv
(050) 531-28-87
39 m. 50б, Hreshchatik , 01901
(093) 036-44-00
39 m. 44 Kchreshchatyk str., Кyiv
(050) 346-16-36
Kozlovsky Art and Concert Center
44 m. 50-б, Khreschatyk St, Kyiv
(044) 235-75-18
44 m. вулиця Хрещатик, 50Б, Київ, Украина, 02000
(073) 415-65-56
60 m. 44 Khreshchatyk Street
(073) 191-91-97
67 m. 46A Khreschatyk Street
(097) 704-47-45
69 m. 46 a Khreshchatyk St
(095) 538-11-13