3, Illi Mechnykova vulytsia, 01601
Working hours
Closed Working hours
We share a passion for fitness, but each person has individual features of the body and character. We understand this. And we take into account when developing a training program and the choice of trainer.
No endeavors yield results without a systematic approach. Fitness is a system of skills and habits. Not only physical activity, but also a certain diet, and the routine of the day. We do everything to inspire members of our community to such a system.
We believe that a conscious attitude makes lessons more effective. So, we explain the essence of training, the logic of exercise and the relevance of a diet.
After all, fitness is also a system of knowledge.
We believe that every person should respect others. We believe in support, inspiration, courtesy and compassion. That is why we pay much attention to the atmosphere in the team.
We believe in continuous development, and therefore in our schedule there are constantly new types of occupations, in the hall - new simulators, in the trainers - new knowledge.